Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidancewhy such question is raised? That is the most unfortunate situation.
So if we have heart ailment and want to repair our we go to carpenter?
If answer is already know why do you go to trained...counsellor for scientific,realistic,practical,feasible,unbiased solution....
What matters is a skill in any activity or task you perform, I as a Career Counsellor would be able to understand the personality trait of an individual were i have obtained skills about understanding the personality traits of a human being.
As all fingers are not the same every human being has different likes and dislikes in what he would do and what he would not like to do. So its important for people to understand the importance of why career counseling can be done by Career Counsellors only
So that you do not realise it after your graduation in science that management would have been a better option for you and then disasters like Bsc and LLB happens! And end up being in a call center or an unwanted job with unhappy career growth which will not grow in the direction of how it should have been. It s like you stand nowhere! Right advice at right time is all the counts. FROM NOWHERE TO NOW HERE IS WHAT A COUNSELLOR DOES
Career counselling is a pious ritual. Counsellors interact with candidates of young and impressionable minds and empower them to chart a career course ,In fact course of life . The process is dynamically complex. Interplay of a candidates personality, interests and values with the Skills & abilities have to be synergised positively.Candidates aspirations have to be finally aligned in the backdrop of these inputs. Absolute devout and passionate counsellors with high grade skill sets and experience in the field are realistically equipped to handle and process such critical endeavours. Lack of knowledge or experience can result in irreversible and highly avoidable damages of permanent nature. Hence it is imperative that career counselling be undertaken only by experts in the field for optimum results.
Career guidance is given for different people at different age for their respective queries regarding career.An expert can give counselling which is like consulting a friend, relative, senior but due focus on the counsellee or say 100 percent attention towards them.Others may just pass time or may even beat about the bush.A career counsellor with expert knowledge can make a counsellee get precise answers with all the perspectives.